Divine Doo-Doo

Trying to find the divine in the bottom of a diaper bag, the magic in a two-year old's tantrum and the grace in Husbear's anxiety attacks. Life of a 40 something spiritual peasant.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Begin in the Middle

The first rose of spring is a memory now. But the garden has somehow found the energy to produce another round of beautiful blossoms. What I know about roses you could fit in a garden gnomes hat - so I don't know if autumn roses are normal or just southern California faking out nature.

I guess my seasons are more close to the heart (or home) these days. Our diaper season passed so subtley and so quickly I hardly know how it happened. A month ago the diaper bag was a necessary accessory, my constant catch-all companion. My load may be lighter today, but now I've got other obsessions. I've developed an uncanny nack for finding loos in seconds at the mere mention of one tiny little word.

Baby season is gone. Toddler days are falling like those leaves in other parts of the country.